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What have we been up to?


shampoo bars

Christmas Shampoo Bars

Trying out different scents for Christmas with Frankincense, Peppermint and Cinnamon Shampoo Bars.

Pamper Parties

Getting Creative making Pamper party accessories. 

kiki health products


Learning about the Kiki Health Range and how these supplements are delivered to the body in powder form, ensuring optimum absorption. They can be sprinkled into your salad, smoothie or yoghurt giving your body a boost of algae, enzymes, plant juices, bacterial cultures, or fruit/vegetable gummies for fussy eaters! 

Learning simple but packed full of goodness recipes from Two Raw Sisters at the Pro Beauty University Day. The day was filled with a wealth of information on Skin Health and the importance of taking care of the barrier to all of our inner workings. 

Two Raw sisters presentation

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